Bharat Jyoti Award The India International Friendship Society has chosen Dr. S. Vijay Kumar, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Economics of Kakatiya Government (UG&PG) NAAC Re-Accredited "A" Grade College, Hanamkonda, Warangal District, Andhra Pradesh for the “Bharat Jyoti Award” and certificate of Excellence which was presented on 29 th August, 2012 in a befitting function held at New Delhi for his meritorious, outstanding performance and remarkable role in the field of teaching and research in Economics . The award has been given by Dr.Bhishma Narain Singh, Former Governor of Tamilnadu & Assam in presence of Dr.G.V.G.Krishnamurthy, Former Chief Election Commissioner of India , Sri.Syed Sibtey Razi, Former Governor of Jharkhand and Sri.Joginder Singh, Former CBI Director. About The Award: The India International Friendship Society, a voluntary organization established to forge greater unity and integrity among the people of...