(This "Abstract" is submitted to the International Conference on “ WTO, TRADE AND AGRICULTURE: ISSUES AND CHALLENGES FOR DEVELOPING AND LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES: 20-21 October 2016, New Delhi ”) . -*Dr. S. Vijay Kumar Trade is an engine of economic development. The establishment of W.T.O is an important landmark in the history of international trade; it is much wider in scope and coverage. India is one of the founding members of WTO which came into existence on January 01, 1995 replacing GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) and promising the herald of new era in the rule based system of governing and promoting international trade concomitant with the needs of the on-going processor globalization. WTO provisions related to international trade are now similarly applicable to agriculture which was brought within the fold of GATT in the Uruguay Round (1986-93) of Multilateral Tr...