-*Dr. S. Vijay Kumar Prime Minister Narender Modi’s in his election campaign in 2014 promised Rs. 15 lakh would be credited into the bank accounts of every citizen by brining black money from Swiss Bank. But, it became a joke. Before forgetting this joke, on November 8 th 2016 Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in a surprise abolished Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes overnight in a bid to end black money in the country. They constituted 86 percent of India's currency in circulation at the time. The government replaced old Rs 500 notes with new ones, but no replacement for Rs 1000 notes has been made. Instead, a new Rs 2,000 note was introduced post note ban. Besides, new Rs 500 and Rs 2000 notes, the RBI has also printed new Rs 200 notes and released on 25 - 06- 2017. Now, let us try to analyze the results, whether the recent demobilization in our country is successful or a failure? Impact of Demonetization - Fac...