(This article was presented in the National Seminar on " Emerging Dimensions of Dry Land Farming" on 20th & 21st March, 2011 at Kakatiya University, Warangal, AP - India)
-Dr. S. Vijay Kumar
Dry land farming is an agricultural
technique for non-irrigated cultivation of land. It may be defined as: “a practice
of growing profitable crops without irrigation in areas which receive an annual
rainfall of 500 mm or even less”. India has about 108 million
hectares of rain fed area which constitutes nearly 75% of the total 143 million
hectares of arable land. In India, dry land agriculture accounts for
nearly two-thirds of total cropped area and generates nearly half of the total
value of agricultural output. Rain fed agriculture encounters several
constraints on account of climatic, edaphic, and social factors. Out of the 97
million farm holdings in India, about 76% come under marginal and small
categories. The productivity levels of these areas have remained lower across
years because of frequent droughts occurring due to high variability in the
quantum and distribution of rainfall, poor soil, low fertilizer use, imbalanced
fertilization, small farm size and poor mechanization, poor socio-economic
conditions and low risk-bearing capacity, low credit availability and
infrastructure constraints. Consequently, farmers are distracted from
agriculture and tend to migrate to cities to look for alternative jobs. Hence,
there is a great need to increase the productivity of rain fed crops and
overall net returns to keep the farmers in agriculture. A paradigm shift in rain
fed agriculture can be expected through technological thrusts and policy
India has
about 47 million hectares of dry lands out of 108 million hectares of total
rain fed area. Dry lands contribute 42% of the total food grain production of the
country. These areas produce 75% of pulses and more than 90% of sorghum,
millet, groundnut and pulses from arid and semi-arid regions. Thus, dry lands
and rainfed farming will continue to play a dominant role in agricultural
lands, besides being water deficient, are characterized by high evaporation
rates, exceptionally high day temperature during summer, low humidity and high
run off and soil erosion. The soils of such areas are often found to be saline
and low in fertility. As water is the most important factor of crop production,
inadequacy and uncertainty of rainfall often cause partial or complete failure
of the crops which leads to period of scarcities and famines. Thus the life of
both human being and cattle in such areas becomes difficult and insecure.
all improvements in agriculture, we have not yet been able to evolve appropriate
practices for our dry land areas. The income of farmers of dry land regions is
low. We continue to stress on intensive agriculture on irrigated land but we cannot
afford to be complacent with our dry lands. We cannot achieve stability in food
production with unstabilized dry land agriculture. Therefore, we are required
to adopt improved technology especially developed for dry land agriculture.
The strategies that need to be emphasized:
(1) Land care and soil-quality
improvement through conservation agricultural practices, balanced
fertilization, harnessing the potential of bio-fertilizers and microorganisms,
and carbon sequestration;
(ii) Efficient crops, cropping systems,
and best plant types;
(iii) Management of land and water
on watershed basis;
(iv) Adoption of a farming-systems
approach by diversifying enterprises with high-income modules;
(v) Mechanization for timely
agricultural operations and precision agricultural approach;
(vi) Post-harvest,
cold-storage, value-addition modules;
(vii) Assured employment and wage
(viii) Organic farming;
(ix) Rehabilitation of rain fed
(x) Policy changes and other support
system; and
(xi) Human-resource development,
training and consultancy.
Characteristics of Dry-land Agriculture:
Dry land areas may be characterized by the following features:
1. Uncertain,
ill-.distributed and limited annual rainfall;
2. Occurrence of extensive climatic hazards like drought, flood etc;
3. Undulating soil surface;
4. Occurrence of
extensive and large holdings;
5.Practice of extensive agriculture i.e.
prevalence of mono-cropping
6. Relatively large
size of fields;
7. Similarity in types of crops raised by almost all the farmers of a particular region;
8. Very low crop
9. Poor market facility for the produce;
economy of the farmers; and
health of cattle as well as farmers.
Problems of Dry Land
Farming in India
The major problem
which the farmers have to face very often is to keep the crop plants alive and
to get some economic returns from the crop production. But this single problem
is influenced by several factors, they are:
1. Moisture stress and uncertain rainfall
The rains are very erratic, uncertain and unevenly distributed.
Therefore, the agriculture in these areas has become a sort of gamble with the
nature and very often the crops have to face climatic hazards. The farmers also
take up farming halfheartedly as they are not sure of being able to harvest the
crops. Thus, water scarcity becomes a serious bottleneck in dry land agriculture.
2.Effective storage of rain water
According to characteristics of dry farming, either there will be no rain
at all or there will be torrential rain with very high intensity. Thus, in the
former case the crops will have to suffer a severe drought and in the latter
case they suffer either flood or water logging and they will be spoilt In case
of very heavy downpour, the excess water gets lost as run-off which goes to the
ponds and ditches etc. This water could be stored for providing life saving or
protective irrigation to the crops grown in dry land areas. The loss of water
takes place in several ways namely run-off, evaporation, uptake through weeds
3. Marketing Problem
In dry farming all the farmers grow
similar crops which are drought resistant. These crops mature at the same time
and the growers like to dispose off their products soon after the harvest. This
results in a glut of products in the market and the situation is badly
exploited by the grain traders and middlemen. Therefore, marketing becomes a
serious problem in dry farming areas.
4. Unbalance their economic position
Only drought resistant crops namely
oilseeds, pulses and coarse grains like jowar, bajra, millets etc. can be grown
in dry land areas. Thus, the farmers have to purchase other food grains and
household commodities that unbalance their economic position.
5. Careful and judicious manorial scheduling
In case of irrigated farming the farmers
are at a liberty to apply manures and fertilizers according to their
availability and facility but in case of dry farming they have to be very
careful in fertilizer application. Due to lack of available moisture,
broadcasting or top dressing becomes wasteful and meaningless. These can be
applied by only deep placement and foliar spray for an improved crop
6. Utilization of preserved moisture
Judicious and purposeful utilization of
preserved moisture water depends upon soil type, plant type and other factors.
The amount of available water to the plants depends upon the depth of plant
roots, their proliferation and density. In case of limited moisture condition,
the yield directly depends upon the rooting depth. The rooting depth can be
desirably increased by mechanical manipulation of the soil. If the planting is
very dense and all the plants have same kind of rooting then there will be a
tough competition among roots for moisture and scarce moisture condition will
result in the wilting of plants. Therefore, utilization of preserved moisture
is an art in dry farming. The water collected in ponds or brooks may be used to
give protective or life saving irrigation. The widely spaced crops can be
intercropped with oilseeds or pulses for increasing the productivity of the
land per unit area and per unit time. Therefore, the water collected during the
rainy season need special technique and skill for its efficient utilization.
7. Quality or the produce
The quality of the produce from dry farming areas is often found to be
inferior as the grains are not fully developed or they are not filled properly;
often mixed with other crop seeds owing to mixed .cropping system prevalent in
these areas and the fodder become more fibrous. All these factors reduce the
market value of produce and the farmers do not get the profit of their labour
and investment.
Special Reference to Telangana
Telangana, the semi-arid land of India,
is experiencing drought often pushing large numbers of people to the margins of
living. Drought visits south Telangana "once in two and half years".
The rainfall of about 70 cm and less in southern Telangana hardly justifies the
fact that the region should languish under semi-arid conditions. In fact, the
region forms part of the catchment of the perennial rivers Krishna and Godavari.
The irrigation policy initiative over the years continuously favored the Delta
region leaving a large number of people at the mercy of degraded nature and
sub-human living. Thus "Telangana backwardness has essentially political
roots: with better administration the considerable water resources could have
been more fully tapped for irrigation. Telangana is still mainly a dry farming
area, the reason for this in Telangana is long term failure to harness the
potentialities of the area."
As major irrigation facilities are not
sufficiently available and short fall of normal rain, when compared to Costal
Andhra region, Telangana is mostly dependent on dry land farming. In Telangana,
in view of the non-availability of water in wells and tubewells due to
depletion of water table and drought farmers are now forced to keep major part
of their dry lands as current follow lands. As a result, the area under follow
land is increasing year after year. There is a shift in cropping pattern and at
the same time, the total area under jowar, bazra, caster and cereals decreased
significantly, while the cultivable area under rice, maize, groundnut,
oilseeds, cotton, pulses increased proportionately. The yield and production of
these crops also increased. It is a definite change in favour of commercial
Due to recurring drought conditions,
most of the borrowers in rural areas of Telangana could not repay the loans
borrowed earlier. In view of this, financial institutions kept those villages
as de-faulted borrowers, included in the black list closing their chance of
borrowing again. This has become a stumbling block
to majority of the rural households in all the regions in the state,
particularly in Telangana. Consequently, the dependency on money lenders and
private financiers is again on the increase lending to increase in the cost of
production, unremunerative cultivation and increasing indebtedness.
The State needs to give priority for
agriculture particularly, in the field of irrigation sector and cheap and
assured credit facility. The focus should be on dry land farming, extension
services and provision of quality seeds and fertilisers and timely assistance.
In recent years the plan allocations to the priority sectors such as
agriculture, irrigation have been declining from plan to plan. Irrigation
sector is neglected.
Many of the proposed
projects in Telangana region could not be undertaken. While total canal
irrigation through canals remained stagnant, tank irrigation declined during
the last two decades. Similarly, cultivation under dugwells and borewells has
increased significantly leading to power problems, and depleting water table
below 600 feet in certain areas, and gradual withdrawal of subsidies to
agricultural sector also increased cost of cultivation unremunerative
cultivation. This has led to unrest among the farmers resulting suicide deaths
especially in Telangana region.
Telangana projects have been allocated 266.83 TMC (Thousand
Million Cubic Feet. One TMC ft is equivalent to about 28.317 million cubic meters or 22 956.8
acre feet) of water against a due share of 552 TMC. Mahboob Nagar known for its
very high levels of distress migration and perennial drought, should have got
187 TMC of water but have received nothing till now. Costal Andhra receives
several times more than its due allocation of 99 TMC. Farming has become risky
in Telangana, as indicated in the large number of suicides by farmers.
Telangana accounts for as many as two- thirds (66%) of the total number of
suicides reported in the state between 1998 and 2006. Though recent data shows
that Telangana has been allocated a higher share in expenditure on irrigation
(55%) than its share of population (41%) however, compared to costal Andhra,
the unit cost of irrigation is much higher in Telangana (as it is situated in
Deccan plateau) as lifting of water requires huge investments in pumping
machinery and power.
As a matter of fact, majority of the
households in villages are considered to be labourers. Real development of
villages can only be achieved if the labour households' employment, wages and
incomes are improved. It is observed that employment, wages and other living
conditions of labour households are further deteriorated in recent times.
Non-agricultural employment is found to be significant in those areas where
canal irrigation is provided. With the development of agriculture,
non-agricultural employment was also generated in the command areas. Due to
backward agriculture and frequent droughts in most of the mandals of Telangana,
labour households find it difficult to get employment during lean seasons and
prefer to migrate to far and near places. The process of migration has
accelerated in recent years. Due to lopsided developmental strategies pursued
from time to time, balanced development of the state has become a casualty and
regional imbalances went on widening. These imbalances have become stumbling
blocks for the emotional integration of the people of all the three regions of
the state. Further, the process of implementation of economic reforms including
privatisation is taking place at an accelerated pace in the state.
Impact of Liberalization, Privatization and
The policies of liberaliation, privatisation and globalization have been displacing the masses from their opportunities. The benefits and subsidies meant for weaker sections are reduced year after year even these meant for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. This is not followed by a corresponding support in alternative occupations or opportunities. With introduction of labour saving technology in the field of construction of roads and buildings, wage labourers have been badly effected in the state. In view of the lopsided pattern of development, the state has been witnessing agitations, movements, rural unrest, farmer suicides and hunger deaths in recent years. The village economy is facing economic and social crisis. Agriculture is unable to absorb the over increasing working population. Further, the cost of production per unit of agricultural output in Andhra Pradesh now is higher compared to major agricultural States in India. The area under canal irrigation system declined due to deceleration in public investment in Telangana. In nutshell, the agricultural sector is neglected by the government. There is a need to review this policy.
Small and marginal farmers have been worst effected. Majority of the small and marginal farmers still depend in informal or non-institutional sources of credit, particularly, money lenders, private financiers at higher rates of interest, consequently, high cost of production and indebtedness.
Liberalisation and Privatisaion process
was initiated in the state with firm determination during 1996-'97. But it's
impact is not well received by all section of the people. Agricultural growth
rates have gone down drastically. Employment situation in rural areas were not
improved rather deteriorated. Whatever the employment opportunities have been
created so far, they are largely low paid and casual in nature and insecure.
Nonagricultural employment could not be generated to the levels of
expectations. Villages have become markets for products of multinational, and
big industries. Whatever the industries, or small scale industrial units were
available earlier, they are unable to compete with global products either in
quality or prices. Backward area like Telangana (except Hyderabad) could
not attract either domestic or foreign direct investment.
There is an exodus of young persons from
villages of backward and drought effected districts to towns and cities in
search of livelihood. People from Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, Karimnagar, Warangal and
Medak are migrating to gulf countries and Hyderabad to get some
livelihood or other. Only old age people keep staying in rural areas. The
Information and Technology could provide jobs to a few thousands of educated
young people.
The Self-help Groups for women could not
provide work as expected. This programme could enlighten rural women groups in
political and social aspects. These groups could mobilise savings out of their
hard earned income besides State/ Central assistance. As far as employment and
income generation activity of this programme is concerned, very little is
achieved. Whatever the products are produced by these groups, they are
decorative and artistic, unable to compete with global multinational products.
Mostly they are neither mass consumption oriented nor essentials. Hence, they
suffer from lack of demand. The scheme has become political wing of ruling party
for vote bank.
(1) Agriculture may be given top
priority along with infrastructure development in backward regions.
Constructions of Ichampally irrigation project across river Godavari will
benefit north Telangana. Similarly, through proper allocation and utilisation
of Krishna river water will also benefit Nalgonda, Mahabubnagar districts in South
(2) Distribution of cultivable public
lands surplus lands and cultivable waste lands among the rural poor provides
some solution to the agricultural labourers.
(3) There is an urgent need to change
the cropping pattern in drought prone areas of the regions to prevent further
downslide of under ground water table.
(4) It is also necessary to identify
backward districts and specific area programmes may be initiated
through state and central grants.
(5) Rural and agricultural credit
facilities have to be adequately provided to all the needy households keeping
in view the growing dependency of farmers and rural artisans on money lenders
and private financiers.
(6) Both central financial transfers and
use of policy instruments will be useful to attract private investment to the
backward regions; and
(7) Enhanced allocations for social
development such as education, health, nutrition, empowerment of poor. Further
democratization of rural institutions etc., will improve education, skills and
entrepreneurial abilities of people in backward areas.
Even after utilizing all the available
water resources, about 50% of our cultivable area will still depend on rains.
Therefore, our agricultural scientists, policy formulators and farmers should
appropriately realize the magnitude of role that. rainfed agriculture or
dryland farming can play. They should thoroughly examine the problems of dry
land agriculture from different viewpoints and evolve appropriate technologies,
crop varieties, etc. for these areas to better the economic position of the
farmers. Dry farming areas, therefore, need a much closer attention for
achieving food security in India.
1. Jodha NS. 1996. Ride the
crest or resist the change? response to emerging trends in rainfed farming
research in India. Economic and Political Weekly, 13 July 1996.
2. Gadgil M & Guha R. 1993. This
fissured land: an ecological history
of India. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
3. Development of
Irrigation', New Delhi 'Development of Drought-prone Areas'(DDPA),
4. Forrester, D.B. 1970:
'Sub-regionalism in India: The Case of Telangana', Pacific Affairs, Vol.
XI, No.111,p.8.
5. 'Perspectives on Telangana -I'
1997: Telangana Information Trust, Hyderabad.
6. ‘The Movement for Telangana’, EPW,
pp 9&10,
7. Pattern of Development
in India - A Study of Andhra Pradesh SER Division Planning
Commission Government of India.
8. Gadgil M & Guha R. 1993.
This fissured land: an ecological history
of India. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
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