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My Views On Higher Education In India

                                                          -Dr. S. Vijay Kumar

Today, “Total Quality Management (TQM)” in education is the instrument of strength to withstand the challenges posed by the fast changing world scenario.     

According to Gunnar Myrdal a noted economist, "education has an independent as well as instrumental value, i.e., the purpose of education must be to rationalize attitudes as well as to impart knowledge and skills.

“Education for national development should aim at training the younger generation the life skills, self reliance, personality development, community service, social integration and political understanding". The Latin word education means `bringing out the potentialities of the individual for self development'.

Option for diversity of Courses: In today’s world we do not find packaged specializations. Most of the students after their course completion they have to pursue other courses for their livelihood, this will become an extra burden to students and parents. Each student has to make his or her own package of subjects that he/she wants in terms of their life ambition. That means, courses have to become more inter-disciplinary according to the requirements of student package of subjects. We need a problem solving approach rather than information oriented approach.

Character: The educational system must produce young men and women of character with the ability to serve for self and national development.

Unless the quality and standard of Indian higher education institutions is enhanced zealously and sustained at a high level through innovation, creativity and regular monitoring, it seems to be difficult for the Indian academics/professionals to compete in the World scene. This calls for suitable assessment and accreditation mechanisms to be available in the country to ensure the quality and standard of the academic/training programmes at higher educational institutions.

Sustaining Quality:
Quality has both absolute and relative connotations. The concept of absoluteness in quality boost up the morale of the higher education system at the delivery end i.e. institutional, and at the receiving end i.e. students. Quality dimensions seem to have two implications, i.e., functionality of the output and meeting the basic standards. Hence, the quality of a higher education system may be seen from the point of view of norms and standards, which may evolve depending on the need of the hour.

Globalization of Higher Education: Free flow of knowledge, collaborative, competitive and qualitative participation of Indian and foreign universities/institutions will enhance India’s stature internationally.

As in USA, in our country also Higher Educational Institutions -  IITs/Universities/Research Centers should assist the Government in framing the policies for the development of the country. The Government also should seek help from these Institutions and release sufficient grants/funds for research.

SWOT Analysis: We cannot face the global challenges in higher education, unless, we create competitiveness, quality and excellence in teaching and research. This is possible only with introspection of our strengths and weaknesses. Above all, ethical values are important in our education system.  


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